Blog Archive
Monday, March 30, 2009
Deadly Man Walking
Cleo sent Jay, Geoff, Elle and Stan on a mission to find "Death" a man who can hurt anyone in anyway he wants. Linda Tavara (Cleo's Granny, who has the same power and reversed her age so she's not much older than us) went with them because of how dangerous Death was. I had almost finished reading my cousin Charlies japanese phrase book when Geoff, Elle, Stan and Linda came through the door, they were bloodied up and i instantly ran to the storage shed to get Dave. he and i were back in a flash, and he was able to help. They told us what happened (see villains view blog) now i'm terrified of this guy who can kill you 1000 different ways, and the worst thing was that he would choose the most slow and painful way.
Here's Stans recap:
We had just gotten to the garage that i keep my car in when everything became blurry. i hit the ground with a thud. We all woke up in an old warehouse in the middle of a desert, each of us were in a state of paralyisis, but we felt alot of pain because he had already injured each of us badly, i bet that we wouldn't dare move even if we could. Death was sitting with his back to us, his fingers were tapping on the desk, he had (from what i could see) long finger nails, his head was bold and his ears were rather big and sharp, Like Nosforatu. He turned and each of our sights blurred, he dragged Jay into the middle of the room and begun to torture him. Snapping his arms in several places, snapping his legs and slowly cutting his arms. he simply stood there, he didn't need to move an inch to kill someone. Linda made it out of his lock and started to take his aura, but he used his power to twist her arm around until it snapped, he kept on twisting it. He laughed. i could hear the bones crunching. She stood down and he made her unable to move once again. He had begun to advance on Geoff, he was saying: "you are gonna wish that you were killed first"
Elle's hand was in the perfect position to shot him with electricity, and she did just that. he was knocked out and then we ran, we stole a car from an old guy and drove back to LA (from the Nevada desert!!!!!). We parked in front of HQ and ran in. Linda made the car disappear and was right behind us.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
So anyways we've just come into 2 new people! the specials name is Jay Fletcher, he has a power that can combat that John guy really well! Persuasion! he's very good at it, i think he can help Tempest and Damian. the normal person is a pretty nice guy, but isn't much fun because hes a bit bashful. He can however be fairly good at talking his way out of things, he and Jay are a perfect match! His name is Geoff Campbell.
Sage's body was sucked into that big black hole that Lily-Anne made, that or it was burned up by Cleo's flamethrower (it was so weird typing that!) we lost alot of stuff that we stored down there because of the flames and the black hole, but i was thankful that Cleo survived. She might be a bit menacing and mean sometimes but i bet that if this were a world without super-powers she'd be a good friend to have.
We close at 5:00pm so we have quiet nights to watch tv. or should be that THEY do. i have to stay and sort out everything, maybe one day when i'm an agent... ANYWAY:
Chan sent Jay and Geoff on a mission to find a kid called Luke Campbell, he is Geoff's cousin, he has the power to emit microwaves of heat. We didn't want him to work for us because Geoff says that he can be a "problem". We wanted to see if they could catch him, then they would just figure out if he should be in society or not, if not they take him to Cleo and she takes away his power. (i can only imagine the types of powers Cleo would get if we found enough specials with dangerous powers.)
This is Geoff! my first mission! and i'm going to be telling you what happened:
Omni had a dream that Luke would be driving around the highway nearest to us, how he got there we have no idea. I took a page from what Cleo has written on her blog and what she and chan (who i imagine thinks of himself as Jackie Chans equal) told us during "orientation" as they call it. i tried out a few things i saw on an action movie. not sure which one though. he was driving a car that he probably stole (i know my cousin) i could see him pull over on to the side of the road testing out how far he could make his heat go. he stepped out of the car and started to try and boil a large puddle of water on the ground it was burning the rails on the side of the road, they melted into hot silver lava. it was only a small "action movie" style sneak attack, but trust me it became a throw out soon enough. i grabbed him and tackled him to the ground, he wanted to use his heat powers (thats Luke for ya) but Jay had persuaded him not to. he kicked me off and jumped in the car and started it, (the kid kicks hard i was a bit dizzy for a moment) just as it was pulling away i jumped in th back of the car. Jay had gotten Luke to put the brakes on, but Luke used his microwaves to torture Jay into letting him keep driving, i punched his lights out a bit too late though! (i couldn't get the right angle for punching him out) Luke had already started to drive and i couldn't get over his un-conscious body to the put the brakes on. we were out on the open road now and Jay was running behind us, i un-did Lukes seatbelt and opened the door, he dropped out of the car and i followed, he survived and ran off before Jay could yell his command. The car crashed into a tree. I had hurt my ankle when i jumped out and couldn't chase him, Luke dissapeared into the crowd of cars and people. Jay and i called Cleo to see if she could summon us back, but she wasn't in. We had to walk back since Tayla said that she "forgot" West and Charlies numbers, (i think she was just being mean to us!) When we got back Dave healed Jay's burns and my ankle. we failed the mission and since we were walking for hours we were around to greet a rather unhappy Cleo when she got back, i plan to ask her where she was once she stops using TK to keep my mouth closed.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
- When Elle couldn't find a partner Cleo just gave her Stan and went back to doing nothing in her office, thats why Stan and Elle are partners.
- Charlie and Ali, those 2 are a good pair. There are no arguments that i know of
- West and Roxy. The new one that i dont know alot about is Roxanna Ellis, she seems nice and West likes her better than Elle. to be honest sometimes Elle can be a bit... Off centre.
- We are still looking for people to be agents, having only 3 teams is'nt good for us.
- Chan no longer has powers because of Cleo, she had a reason for it: "you can still use all the moves you had, you've got so many there was no need for a power anymore" it was rude that she took his power, but thats Cleo i guess.
- Sage LOVES his new EM, but i think Cleo is jealous. She felt so sorry for him because of his power. I think she just never thought of the effect it would have. shes not as powerful as him anymore! i can tell that one day she'll just challenge him to a fight.
- Our new Medic is called Dave, its kinda sad. the guy is 32 and is for a bunch of people that ar'nt even 26. His codename is Medico, since he's from Mexico.
Well thats all from me, heres Charlie:
Ali and i were sent to Odessa, Ukraine. She and i cant speak Ukrainian, but we just had to go to the textile factory to get some old files of EHs. it was closed down so we just went through a broken window. the files were kept in the basements, Ali is pretty dumb, and both she and i know that. she couldn't figure out why the tv wont work. it wasnt plugged in. i grabbed as many files that i could carry, while Ali grabbed 2 for each hand. i have the feeling that Cleo only gave Ali the job of being an agent because she was her sister, well kinda. we flew out the windo, sometimes i wonder if people see us do that, like in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, with the flying car. we got back to find that nuthin had changed, except Amelia and her possie were dead and Chan had lost his power. Cleo told West and I to get rid of the bodies of Shifterx (i thought she already died! but Mia can bring her back, with healing, Relity Warping or resurection)and Phaser in a river.
Thats all from me. CYaz!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Catching a criminal
riht now there are many crimnals and we focus on the "speshel" ones. agents Charlie and "Ali Awesome", were on a mission to NY to find a guy trying to persuade his way into getting A LOT of money, they didn't catch him but they had come close! they had gotten him at a bank on Morton st. Charlie had dropped Ali through an open window which resulted in the guy called John having his arm shot. Charlie followed and had him in a headlock, with his mouth closed tite i wanted to see how much i could aggrovate him, but when he opens his mouth... i was putting the money in the bag for him when Charlie some how managed to knock ou John, he stabbed him in the leg so Charlie and i had to bolt off. we got back just as the others werre about to leave for something in the old LA high building.
While we were out by Auriss-
The entire company has been working like crazy to find partners for West and Elle, those 2 just cant get along! It was truly a search that ended up with us having to fight Mia, who was telepathicly controlling Chan, something we didn't expect. so we had our receptionist (Tayla) who has the power of enhanced memory, suitable, no? She was working flat out and evaluating who they were and whether they were suited to be an agent.
There were only 6 that she thought were good enough-
Ryan Mclachlan- He worked in a legal office and had no idea how to handle files, we asked him if he wanted a job here. He was very enthusiastic about it, but Omni and Sage were sceptical. So they asked me to read his mind, all i got was a bunch of jumbled up nervous thoughts, i could see that Tayla hadn't made him nervous, so he seemed good to her, but he was not agent material.
Jane Connor- She seemed good, too bad she was as dumb as Ali! maybe dumber!
we dismissed her as soon as she said: "i've never worked, what do you do?" i dont know what tayla was thinking when she sent us that one!
then: Justin Moriin- I knew what i had to do! i had to destroy him! i had no interest in taking his power, i just wanted to torture him with real heat! i held a white hot fireball under his chin and he screamed in pain, Chan wasn't under control yet so he could help me silence him, i told them that Justin and his friend Natalie are dangerous, which they are. To me. i killed him with a combo of red, Black and blue lightning, Elle seemed fairly impressed by this creativity, though afterwards she just said: "i'm still better at making it look good."
I had about 10 different ways to kill him, but lightning just seemed good to me. he would have suffered a least a bit.
Roxanne Ellis- Reading her mind was a joy! she had no family, and she knew about EH's because her sister was one! she didn't know her personally but her mother spoke highly of her. She was hired mostly because she could do many challenging and daring things, meaning that we had Wests partner!
Sam Newton- "we had no idea that he was a murderer! i swear officer!" that what we ended up saying, he was a no go.
Mandy Hunston- Worst. Interview. Ever!Before we had completly figured out her strengthes we decided not to tell her anything about what we do, she seemed okay, but when we showed... lets just say we lost a client to a shrink.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We are on a Mission

There are 10 guidleines/policies that our agents live on, each must be followed.
1. Always follow orders.
2.You must be comfortable working in a morally grey area only
3.One of us, One of them. One normal peron, and one special. this our policy
4.Killing is allowed as a last resort
5. Jobs are assigned to specials to fit their powers and academic strenthes: A person with technopathy will be on a a computer programming team. unless the owners say otherwise
6. A dangerous person with a power must be taken to Cleo Trellis (aka: Elle Mode, Auriss) so she can "delete" the power using one of her abilities
7.People that behave in ways that can result in people finding out about this company will be either fired or benched
8.dont talk about company with outsiders
9. if a death does happen then talk to Cleo or another founder called Sage on what to do.
10.always carry a phone and a gun on missions
Following these rules is essential to peoples safety.This was posted by Omni, the precog, and "re-cog" because i can see the past and future through dreams.