Hi, Tech power hasn't been posted on for a while so i figured that it was dead blog, so took it over.
Iv'e got a simple power, the power of super vision
i know it may sound boring but a girl with laser vision can turn guys on- i think.
My name is Lisa Miller and i live in Coast Grove, Ohio.
i'm a freelance photographer, i just broke up with my boyfriends James (too clingy) and live in a really bad apartment. I first discovered my power when i was annoyed by a rather, dense family, i got annoyed and my eyes shot lasers, they don't just do that, they also glow in the dark, and can see VERY far. my mother always said that my eyes were my best feature, i guess she was right.
i live a very sheltered life, a couple of friends here and there and maybe i'll sell some footage to the news but thats it, i'm boring.
i'm a straight A student at Coast Grove memorial high school (CGMHS), the photography thing goes to college fund, i want to be a lawyer, i also work at Subway and have another job at the movie theater. I'm a standout at CGMHS, i'm not being self centered, i am smarter than everyone student at that school.
i live with my 20 year old brother, our parents died 2 years ago in drive by shooting. Coast Grove is a very gang influenced town, so half of our wages go to moving away.
my brothers name is Chuck, he's not around much.