it was about twenty minutes after that altercation, when Ali walked up to me, saying that she had an idea:
"whats the idea?" i asked her, Cleo had told me of her sisters dim-wittedness but i still listened.
"well i saw on TV or in a book or something to that effect that there was a guy who flew up in to space and flew around the world so fast that he actually turned back time, if you did that, then Elle wouldn't be taken over" she suggested.
"this guy, he wasn't called Superman was he?" i asked her, she nodded.
"that isn't gonna work Ali" she walked off. that suddely reminded me of something from The Vicar Of Dibley, though i'm sure that Ali didn't know that and she actually thought that hapened, she reminds me of Alice.
we had replaced Chelsea quickly, this receptionist was a normal human called Jason, he was around twenty and had a talent for talking to people, sometimes he got on our nerves but he was a cool guy, he had been a clients brother, then the client died when Howard and John invaded, i'm so glad that we never sent the persuasion guy (who we call Talkie) over to Cleo! he got everyone (except for us of course) to forget about this, while Samantha (technopathy) erased all camera evidence .
Tayla and Jason really hit it off, they both knew so much! they were pouring over some old files when Tayla found something in the pictures Omni and Shifter had taken of the storage shed after Sage's death, Tayla grabbed a magnifying glass, she called Omni over and told her that there was a painting there that we had'nt noticed,. a painting or picture of an exploding person, 

it came to my attention that the painting looked like a peice from a montage, because the guy had no legs, and the image just looked incomplete, Omni suddenly tranced, she painted something else, an explosion that looked more like a black hole from Tayla's perspective, but either way it looked bad. "like Lily's explosions" Chelsea said.
Omni grabbed a bunch of printing paper and tranced again, this depicted us walking into a room with Tempest and his team, Cleo tries to switch on the light but it doesn't work, Lily and a short, chubby boy look blankly at them. after sometime and alot of detail, Omni showed that the boy had pyrokinesis, then she scribbled the boy out and drew a thinner version, like the boy continually changes appearance, future us are frozen there and each restrain ourselves from using powers though its so obvious that Cleo's hand was glowing, i think that we know whats going on, but choose not to stop it, or we dont want to kill them and they're only there to kill one of us or just a few of us. the images cross to a man standing behind them, he shoots red lightning Lily and the boy and they lose control, the man (i assume that he's Howard but you cant really see his face) fades away, a second Cleo (Cleo from now) speeds off and while future Cleo is left there, they all appear to die in the explosion that took apart the top floor of B26, it only killed them, or us (thats confusing!) we see past Cleo picking up a phone and she disapears.
this is becoming confusing, basically we're all gonna die somehow. that sucks.
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