Friday, May 8, 2009


Chelsea here, and though we'll probably never know what happened to Shifter, or how we all got to DC when we said that we wouldn't go near the place. unanswerable questions indeed! we'll be saying what happened to us.

Charlie and Ali's story: heroes, villains, fugutives, or normal? we'll never really know what kind of people we were when we arrived in DC, but i can tell you that before we arrived we were a little bit of all the above. we arrived in Kansas, after some wisecracks about The wizard of Oz we finally got to work finding EHs. a major breakthrough came when a bored and lonely shop assistent was caught stealing from the cash register, her boss fired her on the spot, the shop was empty except for us (we were hiding behind a book shelf to see what would come of this), she punched him out and took his aura! like Cleo! i then rememberedwho she was, we had a small file on her. Lily-anne! Charlie flew at her while i tasered her, of course, she was multipowered and had illusion or something!
we awoke in the storage room of the shop, she showed us a drawing. a precog drawing, of Cleo, TP and VHS at th explosion. i didn't want my friends to die! and Charlie wanted what i wanted. he tipped over a nearby bucket of water and lily-anne slipped, we then flew out the window. we were the first to arrive in DC, of TP. we then saw illusions of the VHS gang, they should've come in the flesh, we did. but i'm sure that they had an explanation.

Roxy, Dave and Samantha's story: i'm Sammy and i'm a tecnopath with a dangerous curiosity, Dave, Roxy and i went to texas to see what we could find, of course, we got morte than we bargained for. when we were off the plane a boy of about 15 came up to us. he was wearing gloes over his hands despite that its was a warm day. he took them off to reveal heat hands, you know that guy from X-men with the sunglass's? hes like that. he burned my wrist, i couldn't draw attention so i silently screamed. he ran off leaving a peice of paper half burned. it had the dead bodies of TP and VHS on the ground, Dave hated the site and insisted that we go and save them. it would be to dangerous to take a plane, they can track them. so we ran out and got a motorbike, it was abnormally fast and i dont think it even needed petrol! i technopathed it to go faster whle Dave rode in the side car getting guns ready. we made it there.

Stan, Talkie and Chelsea's story: we were in Chicago, i loved the movie so why not? as we walked down the streets looking to look for a man on our list, we realised that he was a notorious burglar, he had replication! we rushed to one of clones (who was robbing an old lady) we stopped him, but 2 other clones came and got us, each one had bronze eyes. they led us through an airport and on to a private jet, we were drugged on our way to DC, but as soon as we were off we ran out. we nicked a car and drove off, but we didn't realise that they would chase us! we manuevered through bunches of cars when we finally made it, Stan is a very good driver! the brakes gave way and we leaped out of the car and ran further, then we saw the others!

Omni, Tayla and Geoffs story: we were on the plane to Las Vegas, i was in favor of a road trip but Omni and Tayla were not. as Omni drew and Tayla was learning YET ANOTHER new language, i was reading the Red Hulk, i was just round page 4 when it happened, we lost a side of the plane, Tayla and omni knew this was coming and were about to tell me when it happened, we held on, i held onto the seatbelt, Omni and Tayla somehow got into the over head compartment. i looked outside, there was a floating girl with a laser power. the lane started to lose altitude but then we felt ourselves being boosted up, the flying girl had super strength too! but we were off course, we were heading to DC, she was flying us over it when we all lost grip, we flew out and into a group of people, TP! we yelledout to them as Chelsea slowed us down and we landed on our feet, we then saw Cleo and we all walkedover to her.


  1. Most of my group was real, it was just me, Precog and Diffy that weren't there all the time.

  2. so tingle was there for real? i should've paid more attention to what he was saying before he ran off
