We looked around, wondering.
"what do we do now?" asked Ali, "i mean aren't we all supposed to be there?"
"yeah" said Charlie.
"guys, look at this!" cried Omni, she held up a picture of Brad, with a threatening looking hand of elec

"so?" Roxy said.
"soooo, we look up at something in the sky in my painting! theres a huge storm with 3 bolts shooting down! and Brad has electricity! we'll get there!" she said. suddenly Omni tranced again, when she awoke she said that we would get there by Damian, Evan wasted no time in sending a telepathic message to him. Damian appeared covered with blood.
suddenly Charlie disapeared, Ali was freaked out about that!
"my schedules free now" Damian said, after we explained. we wanted him to teleport us to the nevada desert, which according to Omni was where we were meant to be.
We arrived at the shed, we could see the fight raging on and 2 figures drop out of the sky,
Dragon and Powerpoint. I stopped them from hitting the ground."i can send you guys back up" i offered.

"no, Cleo can do this by herself" he said. we nodded. suddenly John appeared with an army of clones.
"Linda told me you'd be here" he said. we started to fight, Powerpoint was absorbing the electricity that shot down from the sky and shooting it at John, at one point there was a bolt that was so powerful that it went red. Omni had painted a picture on the wall of the shed, in this picture we see a red and black bolt shoot past it at John--

Cleo and Brad came down and we explained everything. Damian was gone by then, he had other things to do.
"this was like fate" she said.
"or Linda orchestrating everything again" said Omni, she held up a picture of the past, Linda was talking to John.
"well it backfired didn't it?" Cleo asked her.
"right now Linda Tavara is dead" said Omni, "but i cant promise anything about the future."
"we dont just see the future, we make it. if Linda is alive, then we've made a terrible future" Said Cleo. Cleo supercharged her superspeed into teleportation and went back to TP, she then summoned us. we got back in time to catch the rest of the sunrise, it was almost completly in the sky. so it was time to open the shop.
Wow. Well Done you guys. We've recently been introduced to the idea of time travel letting people mess with you even after they're dead, but I'll explain soon. It's been an eventful couple of days.