Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sorry we haven't posted the last few days, we've been flat out with preperations for our sneak attack on Death and Ferris, ali (although she ain't smart she can create!) she made a trip wire that, once tripped by either Ferris or Death, electricity will flow through them and shock them! and even if it doesn't help Cleo, then it'll definatly help us!

Today Omni had a dream, it was of the past. when Linda was around 17, she was about to kill a guy with healing, it was healing like Daves except much stronger. he killed her, then burned her she came out from behind a tree and disapeared. i'm not sure how this fits into the story, only that another dream came after that: Her parents are worried that she's become too power hungry, but she doesn't care. she likes to make people scared. she sneaks out one night and takes the power of mediumship from someone with the last name of Walker.
again we're not sure what this has to do with now.

Elle and Stan went on a mission to a store, the owner had the power of persuasion, something that we knew could help people, tomorrow we're going to send him to DC to help the others, besides that nothing has happened the last few days.


  1. I already hav persuasion, and it's pretty strong, but every little helps I suppose.

  2. Yeah... So do I, Brain Control actually
