Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is that place?

This is Chelsea: i'm sure that Cleo told you everything, but i did see Tayla after the Death showdown, she was angry about something. it was clear that she'd finally gone off at Cleo for how little time she's been spending here. but this post is mostly about Viv, who had just lost her sister, Maddie. Omni (the one of the only ones who showed REAL sympathy), it kinda pains me to think that if i weren't out buying some stuff, i could have stopped Death. anyways:
Viv had left with tears in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, i froze her moleculer structure to the point that she came to a stop, i walked over and gave her a tissue. then restarted her. i walked into the storage shed, where Cleo was speaking to Linda, i could here what they were saying, Linda and her were in a private convo, like they were going out of their way to make sure that no-one knew what they were talking about, i doubt Cleo even mentioned it on her blog. Cleo needed a new body dumping ground (it sounds so cold when she says it like that). Linda suggested a place called Coyote Sands, Cleo (who had clearly heard of this place before) said a very big NO, which she followed up with: 'for the last time!'.
it seemed odd for Viv to leave her sisters body with our company, but to her i dont think its the end, she can see ghosts and her sister is dead, so logically her sister could be out there somewhere.
Cleo walked out and sped away, Geoff and Dave walked in with a body bag. i wondered why Cleo didn't resurect Maddie, but it dawned on me that it wouldn't change anything for Viv or Maddie. Geoff and Dave (Dave was very sad, he hates it when there are people that he cant save), handed Maddie's body to Linda. as they turned around she smiled and muttered something: "Coyote Sands. I'm coming home." Its better not to ask about these things, so my best bet was to just do some research, i'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Healthbar might be able to revive her, she resurrected Aron after all, and with the recent new light about her power... If Playwrite can get Maddie to control her power, maybe they could cope better.
