Sunday, July 26, 2009
a strange ocurrence
my point is that they're gone, and tara has taken over the shop, using people who are kinda creepy as employees. but my point is that the disapearance is all over the news, but i dont think they'll ever be found. Damian and his posse are smart. too smart for anyone to stop them.
i'll never post again on this blog. i'm going to the VHS place, i've left a note on the breakfast table and am off.
goodbye LA!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What is going on with me???
My name is Ciara Cass (CC for short), i've been noticing something about me, like i can move hings with my mind, i havnt been able to work it out. so far thats the only power ive got, but looking at these posts i may be able to expect more, i thought about going and meeting with TP, but instead i just walked into there shop someone named Ali (not very bright) was serving, saying taht she was called in totake of the place and that it would probably close if they couldn't get some new staff.
i volenteered, i knew that she worked with people like me but i just want a normal life. so i'm keeping tjis a secret, i'm 16 and only just moved here from Australia. i want a normal life, so much, so it was surprise to see someone who wanted one too, but failed.
"i was like you" said Cleo, she'd walked through the door, a bit disoriented but she walked in, "i wanted a normal life with these powers but it just doesn't work"
"i can prove you wrong" i answered, i suddenly saw my arch enemy (yep i already have one) walk into the shop, i felt anger welling up inside of me, so much that Cleo was flung against the wall. as she regained consciousness she could remember a thing!!!! it looked like my secret was safe with someone who couldn't remember it, in my haste to make sure that Ali (and the cooks who also worked with Cleo) didnt know who i really was, i knocked over a galss and it landed on my hand, so i cant use that hand.
Cleo disapeared, i dont know where but she did, i hope that no-one ever finds out who i am, i'll help "save the world" if anyone ever really needs me, (i have The C.H.A.S.E's digits) but fpr now i want to be normal, and just work like any normal person.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Cant we just have a NORMAL day?
today we decided on our big-buildings (our HQ) cover, it will be a newspaper outlet! well, that is, it prints its own local newspaper, BUT (thanks to Ali) we have discovered a picture (otherwise known as the helix) that subconsciously draws specials together, we put the symbol near an address and we can meet them, (the helixs have special stuff put on them so that specials notice them more and then their minds are so vulnerable that they'll follow any directon).
we got a call from Tempest, he and the guys based in sacramento had come back. a bit bloodlied up but Healthbar had fixed that, Sam actually called us to tell us what they were disguising themsleves (their cover) as, straight after that. but when we got there (via Cleo who was just in the shop all day), we saw that there had been some... confusion. we looked at them all, they seemed so different, thats when a a tall, ghostly man walked out from behind them.
"tempest" and the other fakes disapeared.
"what they said was true, they do want to make their cover an electronics store, but they're still stuck in time, a bit hard isn't it?" he said.
"who are you?" Asked Cleo.
"Morto" he answered. i shot at him but he deflected it with a wave of his hand. "idiot. guns cant hurt me, i've been around for over a 1000 years and lived through heaps of wars, both with "us" and with guns." at that he opened up a wormhole, we were'nt prepared and were sucked in striaght away. i though i heard him say: "that should keep them busy, past me isn't as forgiving"
we appeared with Tempest, in a dugeon in Athens. i can only post this because Cleo was able to send me back to the present, but the block started to take hold of her and i'm sure that she's also now powerless. i dont know what happened down there, Tempest will have to tell you.
i have to ask why they sent Geoff out of lA, his wife didn'tknow where he was! Cleo sent her straight to him so he had the difficult task of explaining to her who he worked for and what he did, but thats not an issue right now.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
is Linda dead or alive?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Checking out the competition
Tayla, me, and Stan snuck into Leen Food to sabotage their foods, it was a safe bet considering that we didn't need powers to do this, we placed cockroaches in the kitchen and spread a bit of honey around on the floor with a mop. it was after that when it happened.
"has it gotten darker?" asked Stan.
"it was dim when we came in, because of the street lights, they're off now" Tayla explained, but for once she wasn't right, she was wrong.
"nice job Tay-Tay, but i'm afraid that you're just another human being when it comes to solving mysteries" said Sage as he walked out of the darkness.
"how?" Stan asked, he was bewildered.
"i faked my death, you'll find that all of us 'villains' were working together, me, Linda, John, Morto... Damian" he said.
"what?!!!!!" we all said in unison.
"why do you think that he didn't want to help you? he had an enemy right? he did, but Tara's dead now, she deserves it. that traitor... we loved it. we were all connected to TP, VHS and The C.H.A.S.E. hell we were even connected to pinehearst for a bit, how do you think Evan got his power? how do you think we knew where to find him? Tara had been wandering around pinehearst for a while, she can jump into peoples bodies and even spen a little time in Elle's body, and even a bit in Tracy Strauss'. but thats another story. one day she stole a few vials of formula and replaced them with the imperfected one" he explained. it was starting to make sense. "Linda, Morto and Damian had been working together for a while, but when John and -soon- i joined, they really came into focus. they-"
"you bastard!!!" yelled Tayla, she threw a knife from the counter at him, he stopped it with TK and flung it back to her, Tayla wasn't quick enough to get out of the way, only to have her hand in the way of it.
"ahhh!!!" she screamed.
"lets just make that unhealable" said Sage, the cruelty in voice was showing more and more as he worked his "magic" as he like to call it. "they, and by that i mean Linda and John are totally and truly dead, i made sure of that, i could see John start to lean more to the good side, he started to think about VHS and TP as friends instead of enemies, Linda started to think of her family, they had to die before they caused real damage! Morto and his army of telepaths will be ready soon, they're all over the state. what will you do when they start to come after you?" he said.
"why are you telling us this?" I asked while i helped Tayla, her hand was in bad shape, the knife went right through her left hand!
"because you're all about to die" he said, he raised his hand and with a wave we all felt light-headed, our memories started to fade and we could feel our feet start to disapear, we were disapearing from existance! it was all happening so fast, that i was amazed to be brought back, both me and Stan made it back, but Tayla was a damaged good, that is, she took a shorter amount of time to go, due to her injury, she'd been 'deleted' when we were brought back by Charlie and Ali (thats right), they'd been working in the technology part of our TP building, using lasers, they'd created a laser (using the gene formations that the late Gene Trend, as he liked to be called made, he was part of C.H.A.S.E, he was a founding member with the power of gene manipulation, he'd been working on ways to get rid of powers), they'd used lasers to complete his research, and when they shot it in Sages eye, it took to his brain and took away his power, bringing Stan and I back. as Cleo waited patiantly, ready to kill, we walked out.
"what about Tayla?" she asked, we shook our heads, and took Sage back to HQ in the Aston Martin.
"why did you create Leen Food?" asked Evan, he was forcing him to tell the truth.
"to get close to you guys, i knew Tayla's competitive spirit and used it to lure them over, i wanted to send a warning, to make sure we actually had a bit of a fight on our hands and you were never meant know about the telepaths" he said.
"he's telling the truth" concluded Evan. Stan had known Sage, he met him when he was good, he couldn't shoot him knowing that he was capable of good, he let him plea for his life.
"it was the power! it corrupted me! everythings good again! please!" he cried. Omni held up a drawing of him, Morto, Tara, Linda, Damian and John talking.
"why didn't i see it?" she asked.
"i'm not an idiot, i had reality warping i made sure that you didnt see it, it was the same with mind-reading and tracking. i made sure" he said. Gravity had a temper, he walked up to Sage and said:
"you dont know me, or at least, i dont know you. and i am fine with killing someone i dont know" he said, he pulled out a gun and shot Sage in the head.
it was after that, that we decided that we all needed to create branches across the state, the people staying here are-
- Cleo
- Stan
- Gravity
- Brad
- Powerpoint
the people going to Hudson, CA are:
- Charlie
- Ali
- Omni
- Roxy
- Dave
- Talkie
the people heading to Scaremento are:
- Evan (BTW: no-one said it, but he'd joined up with us just after the thing with Damian coming back in the form of a John clone, Evan decided to join up, i think. i dont really remember, its odd how he just kinda appeared out of nowhere and we never posted it, at least i dont think we did)
- Sam
- Chelsea
- Shifter
- Geoff
NOTE:Tempest, did we post before about Evan being here? i dont think we did, that wont happen again. sorry if we confused you.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Past of us

Saturday, June 6, 2009
How To Stop A Cloner

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Just Visiting
we were on our way to work when John showed up at our TP building, i threw him through a wall, but he seemed to have some extra powers now, he didn't phase through the wall, he became part of the wall!!! he he hit the wall and he was stnading there made out of stone! if that were'nt such a OMFG moment then i would be pretty impressed. as i contemplated what to do, i suddenly found myself screaming at Roxy to shoot him. she did but it missed.
"you'll have to do better than that!" he said. Gravity and Powerpoint took control when he enhanced the gravity under John so much that he was hurtling through the 3 floor, i sped to the next floor, he seemed to be smiling (despite the fact that his face was covered with blood) he TKed me to the wall, he started to cut open my head! i telepathed Platwrite (who was in england but i still tried) to get some help, i had to try something! i summoned TP to me and i was back on my feet when Stan shot John in the arm, he staggered backwards, i was having trouble seeing, finally i just told everyone to stop. John wouldn't cut anyones head open, but Damian would. i searched inside for Damian, i suddenly saw his history. Damian was taken to the past by Sage and left there to die at Coyote Sands, but he'd taken someones healing power so he wouldn't die! he changed appearance and became friends with Linda, and they were arguing about how Damian had killed someone, possibly one of her friends. he escaped with Linda and the man he'd gotten healing from, she took healing mans power and he died. they ran seperate ways and never saw each other again.
"Damian?" i asked. he nodded and turned back into himself, he was much older now, but due to his healing he'd stopped aging.
"hi" he said, he saw the bewildered looks on our faces, "dont act so surprised! this is how i get abilities, remember?" we nodded. i wanted to raise my hand and kill him for his powers but i decided not to.
"how?" i asked him.
"i knew that this was my chance to see you guys again, so i stopped time, killed the John clone, and took his place, you know, to surprise you! but when i saw how many powered people there were i just couldn't help it" he answered. i nodded, i understood now. "but i cant stay, i have other fish to fry, i have this enemy that i've had for a while now, i need to finish him off."
"we can help" said Omni, she held up a picture that she had drew when we were stuck back in time, the one with us looking at something, "i think that we're supposed to help you stop whatever we're looking at" she said.
"if i need you, then i'll tell you, but right now i dont" he said. he was older now, but still had the same look that he had when he talked about enemies.
"i thought your enemy was John" said Ali, she had been having trouble following the story (i explained it to her afterwards).
"i'll never forgive him, but its been so long for me that i cant even remember what he did" he said. it was pointlesss trying to reason with him, he flew out the window and was gone. When Roxy, Stan, Chelsea, Tayla, Gravity, PowerPoint and i left for work the others were busily repairing the damage to the floor. it was when we finally opened the shop that we were bombarded with customers, and eventually a few VHS members.
After that: we closed up and went home, i went to my apartment and read a book (The Silver Chair from the chronicles of Narnia), Stan went to his apartment (the one across from me) and the others went where ever they live. i had a weird dream, i'll tell you next post because my fave show (The Vicar Of Dibley) is on
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What Happened?
Cleo, Tayla, Roxy and Stan have been busy with the food business, and the rest of us have been scanning around for things out of the ordinary. i have to tell you, sometimes i (and i'm sure that everyone else agrees' with me) i wonder what the hell we actually do! i suppose we're similar to the Ghostbusters, we're not really doing anything until we get the call.
business for Make Way and Take Away is booming due to the fact that the waitress is quick (the waitress is Tayla) the food is well cooked (Roxy was the cook) and the food was quick to be served (thanks to Cleo's telekinetic flipping and summoning of more supplies) and Stan was a fantastic coffee maker.
we often went in there for food and was surprised as to the fact that they're taking this business seriously. of course, they did hire me! (i'm Chelsea BTW) because i could slow it all down if they needed more time. we also have to rollerblade around to take orders, so that we can make the place seem funner. Gravity was also working there, he was holding up several things that could be held over a flame, like Cleo's PK and also holding up in the air, things that Roxy could zap and then they're done, its so cool!
it was a good and normal day, the place was packed with customers and as usual Stan was handling coffee like a pro, it was just when i had given table six a pie that a guy came in, he had the power of duplication, (well thats what Cleo said, she had met him before apparently) she said his name was Double. he staggered into the shop, he looked exhausted!
"John. has time travelling. Damian is in past, Coyote Sands. Linda's gonna kill him" he colapsed. Cleo made sure that no-one called the police and she erased their memories.
Tempest showed up, i thought he didn't have his powers but he'd clearly gotten there through teleportation, maybe through someone elses power, he saw what had happened to Double (he was in the kitchen lying on a table with Tayla putting a damp cloth on his head) he was worried.
"what happened?" Cleo told him the story, it was around this time when Tayla yelled that Double wasn't breathing, he didn't have a pulse, i tried to speed up his heart but i can only speed something up if it was moving in the first place. he was dead and we had no means of getting back in time.
Cleo: after that i used my tracking power to try and find Damian, if he was alive now (he would probably be older though) then i can ask him what happened, but he was untracable, which meant that he was dead. Past Linda did kill him! i summoned present Linda to ask her about this, she said that she could barely remember the last few days of the Coyote Sands camp, let alone one specific person who was there then, i went all through her mind and used claresentiance on her but i couldn't find Damian, although he might have changed his appearance so i cant be sure about the guy she was talking to (or rather yelling at) through lots of dust was or wasn't him. this is gonna be hard.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
New Order
We were on the other side of the building making sure that our offices and storage spaces were at their best, it was then that John showed up, he started to monologue us after he'd "deleted" our powers (albeit temporarily, our powers returned when he died, well, his clone, he's getting better at his cloning) he told us all about the jumping through time and how it was all Sage and him who had set up everything.
"after Cleo killed Ferris and Death was gone we decided that we should use this as an advantage, Sage created a fake Ferris (with a full power) and made sure that they jumped through time, just to confuse her" he explained, "i'm pretty sure we succeeded" he said.
Ali had to say: "Cleo doesn't get confused, she's too smart! for all you know, you're the one being played!" it was probably at this time that John had started to think about just leaving a clone, a clone that would bleed and all, Sage probably gave him that nifty trick. as we were on the ground and powerless, we couldn't fight him, of course, Cleo came at that time. i'm so sure that when she got there, John had sent out a clone of his to the two 3D's (Zander and sass or whatever her real name is) to get the upper hand.
well you know the rest.
after that--
we sat down in Cleo's office, she told us about Damian being stuck back in time, or he had been back in time. she wanted to know why, but she turned her attention to something else after stating that obvious fact. she officially allowed Gravity and PowerPoint, to be in TP. she reassigned partners, but there was no more "one of us, one of them" policy.
- Ali and Charlie
- Powerpoint and Me
- Geoff and Gravity
- Tayla and Roxy
- Talkie and Dave
- Omni and Chelsea
- Stan and Cleo
thats what i've got, i wih we'd gotten Evan though! he could get over power deletion for a whole second! i have a theory that power deleting is like black lightning, and that John just didn't use enough on Evan the first time.
Stan, Cleo, Roxy and Tayla decided to open a take-out store in the place where old TP was, they think that we can get more recruits and that we'll have a chance to find more powered people, plus we now have a meeting spot for The C.H.A.S.E people to come to if they ever need our help, same goes for VHS and Zodiac.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
this is who came, and i hav to say it was daunting being on top of a bridge! Cleo (though she might not have wanted to say it) saved around 3-4 of us from falling!
The C.H.A.S.E--
- Evan Drake: he was the one who had telepathy, he was in charge of getting into Johns head to make sure he didn't use his power, which worked, for persuasion. he (John) did use a few other powers to take us on.
- Gravity: he could manipulate gravity, i'd mentioned him before.
- PowerPoint: she had electrical absorption.
- 3D: she could move the world around, then she would place it back, she could also make earthquakes, since she had an all encompassing earth power.
- Chris: TK, he came, he saw and he helped stop Sage from melting a support from the bridge. he has strong TK, and was able to hold it up with some help from Gravity.
- Shifter, she didn't come with us to the bridge but she returned to TP
- Reform: he could make a replica out of anything, he remade the support of the bridge.
- Track: he could find ANYTHING and go to that exact location, he helped me and the others with taking down Sage. he didn't go to the bridge
from TP--
- Me
- Cleo
- Dave, so he could heal people, and it was a good thing we brought him
- Charlie: he was fast at flying nd got in a few good hits.
- Omni: she didn't go, but she depicted many of us falling, which stemmed into us bringing Dave.
So that was all the stuff that happened, now we just have to get John.
Friday, May 22, 2009
TV's Can Be Deadly.
the computer store we work at had been booming since we got there, we were going on ith our daily routine when suddenly we saw someone walk in, he was around 16 and was interested in our electronic chess set. i tried to persuade him to buy it but he smugly remarked:
"so you're the ones" he over powered Samantha (who had my power of persuasion), and made her help him recruit innocent people to help him kill Damian West, i dont know where he (Damian) even is but it didnt change the fact the John wanted to have alot of people on his (John's) side. in panic i made a nearby TV explode, John was in front of that particular TV, i made more of them explode he was burned and ran out of the way, only to be infront of many more TV's, i made them all explode and he went down out of shear surprise, the customers and Samantha broke free and while the customers ran, she stayed and convinced him to slit his throat using a peice of glass, he did so accordingly and in a second he was dead, but that clone dispeared. it was just a decoy to warn us, and sure enough it was,for a computer turned on, it had the words 'you're all gonna die sometime' on it. creepy! we ran out of the store and got in a cab to go to the airport, we had to warn the others!
we were halfway there whan Cleo texted me: Go to TP, i can help. and with that we got to the airport and were on the plane to LA, i'm posting this after i'd gotten there and Cleo had managed to switch the powers, Samantha and i stayed and waited for the others, whom Cleo was trying to reach.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Healing Hotties and... 90s/80s?!
After the full night i had i couldn't wait to hit the sack, the new maid for James (Cassandra "Sass") is living in the same building as me, she and i became friends right away, we talked about how hot James and Sean are, she was ademant that she had worked for James for 2 years, but i'd met the entire payrole when i started work.
"i was sick that day" she said, i nodded and we continued drinking the wine she'd stolen out of James' celler.
"wont we get in trouble for this?" i asked her.
she smirked and said: "not likely, i doubt he even knows who i am" she said. my instincts acted up and i realised that what the future held for James and her was a kiss, i dont know how i knew that, but it was like a fairtale: Cinderella, Snow White, Pretty Woman, Notting Hill, the list goes on!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It started at work, i left to take the trash out when something caught my eye, it was a poster advertising a special power group thing, it looked genuine but i was sure that these people were just a bunch of drugged up weirdo's doing weird rituals, but i went that night, its not like i didn't have a power that could get me out of it. if that makes sense.
I walked into the old and creepy house on the dodgy side of town. i knocked on the door, it was opened by someone using TK. i walked past several rooms, of real powered people! in the first room there was someone with the power of transmutation, he was changing things into gold and water, and reforming them. in the second room there was a person levitating! She didnt appear to be using her own ability, since there was electricity flowing out of the dimly lit lamp and into her, she had electricity absorption! the guy levitating her was also levitating, i walked over to him and found that undeneath both him and the levitating girl i couldn't put my hand on the floor. gravity negation?! these people were kinda weird, but awesome!
"what is this place?" i asked the man with the black hood who was leading me through the narrow hallway.
"this is The CHASE" he answered, "CHASE stands for the original founders, me, Chris, i have telekinesis, Harry being able to control and bend light seems to fit Ra, the sun god, but Ra for a name? his parents would have to have been weird! and know about his power, which they didn't and still dont. Anita, it was a tragedy what happened to her, Cryokinesis. she used her ability while she was covered in water, she shattered and died, she brought us together thats why her letter is in the middle. Saz, terrakinesis, she is in the backyard creating our storage hold for our experimental drug. Edge--"
"did you say experimental drug?"
"yes, we believe that those who dont want their power, or do not use it properly should have it taken away. Edge can change DNA, he is sick due the accidental changes he once made to his, he tried to fit himself with more powers, we all knew he wouldn't be around forever. so we're trying to replicate his power, so we can change a persons DNA so it can no longer hold a power."
"oh my god! thats cruel, you should'nt do that!" i cried.
"it rids people of their worries, it takes away threats. why shouldn't we do it?" he challenged, it was true.
we came to the end of the hall and we went into a room of 3 people, not including me and Chris.
"what's your power?" the one on the left with a scar on his face asked me in a booming voice.
"electric manipulation, but it isn't mine, i have it because someone messed up my friends powers. everythings jumbled up." they thought, finally the left one spoke, she was tall and usually right, she had some sort of understanding power.
"not yours? fine, but it is in your possesion, you want to know more? so you came here? you love your power even though its not yours, i think you'll fit in fine here. despiet that you are at haert powerless" she said.
Chris led me out.
"who were they?" i asked.
"they have mental powers, they were examining you, Search (on the right) has projectile claresentiance, he was looking at your past, Tanya (the left) has inituative aptitude, she was understnading your expressions and the way you spoke, Evan is newer, but a powerful and accomplished telepath. i'm sure you knew that at least one of them was reading your mind?" he asked. i nodded. he opened a door and led me to the next room, he told me to demonstrate my power. i shot some electricity at the target on the carpet. (the one with transmutation had made that). Chris nodded and told me to got to the next room. this time alone. someone was waiting there.
"our precog, Santiago told us of your arrival, to prepare you for the life you'll live soon enough, we must be sure you can survive Fate"
"Fate?" i asked, but the door closed, i turned around and saw soemone turn back from shard of glass and into a human, "Shifter?" i said, and indeed it was. she walked over and hugged me.
"i knew someone would find me!" she said. "i was hiding here, i couldn't go back, i had to stay to make sure that you never found out about the future!"
"then it might have changed and you'd all be dead"
"you could've just not told us" i said.
"Cleo is a telepath remember?" i nodded and caught her up on everything. Chris opened the door. and beckoned for us to come for an emergency meeting, he knew Shifter knew me! the whole "Fate" thing alluded me, but since Shifter is alive (the guy with tranmutation saved her, he cane chang things into people, he and someone with flight were following a bird and made it turn into dead Shifter) is all that matters right now. i cant tell you about the meeting. TOP SECRET.
The CHASE is powerful, i know that they can help us all with Sage and John.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Power Tweaks
heres whos got what now:
Me (Chelsea): Flight
Ali: precog/REcog power
Cleo: powerless
Omni: healing
Stan: aura absorption and the rest of Cleo's powers (except electricity)
Talkie: technopathy
Samantha: persuasion
Geoff: super memory
Tayla: MPC
Charlie: powerless
Dave: powerless
Roxy: electric manipulation
it seems as though Stan is the lucky one, we'll have to wait and see of course, but i dont think that all off us are coping with the change of powers.
Cleo hates that she hasn't got any powers, but some how she still managed to shoplift (out of bordness) very well, she's good at talking her way out of things. she keeps saying that Stan is'nt using her powers right, she says that he cant just TK over a drink, he has to summon them, i think that she soon realised that she should help Stan. he has alot of powers and powers have been known to go haywire and explode. Stan doesn't like being more powerful than Cleo, but at the same time he loves it! sometimes i think that he's madly in love with her, but it probably isnt true.
Omni and Dave went for lunch when the place was held up! someone got shot but Omni didn't heal him. Dave was torn up over this, she couldn't let people know about what they could do, but Dave couldn't bare that a life wasnt saved when it could've been.
Roxy LOVES her power! she's very good at targetting things and she appaers to have alot of fun.
Ali also loves having a precog power, she went straight to the race track, which Omni didnt like.
"my power, my rules!" she said.
"you dont have this power anyomore, you have healing, i use this power the way i want. sorry i dont continuously trance and find out about villains" Ali shot back, it was then that she tranced and started scratching something into the wall again, (still using a fake nail). it was clearly of someones hand, but it had what looked like blood on it. we knew that this wasnt the past. it was just a feeling, but we all knew it was of the future, we just didn't know whos hand, and whos blood it was. the hotel will not like this!
i havn't much time now, Talkie cant control his technopathy much longer. the others have mixed feelings over this latest development, Cleo hates it and Tayla likes having a more useful power, but hates that she no longer knows clingon, japanese, chinese, french, italian or spainish.
We've decided to get rid of TP, that we should all go back to our lives for a while, we'll all stay in the same state of course, but you may be seeing alot of different things from this blog now.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Charlie and Ali's story: heroes, villains, fugutives, or normal? we'll never really know what kind of people we were when we arrived in DC, but i can tell you that before we arrived we were a little bit of all the above. we arrived in Kansas, after some wisecracks about The wizard of Oz we finally got to work finding EHs. a major breakthrough came when a bored and lonely shop assistent was caught stealing from the cash register, her boss fired her on the spot, the shop was empty except for us (we were hiding behind a book shelf to see what would come of this), she punched him out and took his aura! like Cleo! i then rememberedwho she was, we had a small file on her. Lily-anne! Charlie flew at her while i tasered her, of course, she was multipowered and had illusion or something!
we awoke in the storage room of the shop, she showed us a drawing. a precog drawing, of Cleo, TP and VHS at th explosion. i didn't want my friends to die! and Charlie wanted what i wanted. he tipped over a nearby bucket of water and lily-anne slipped, we then flew out the window. we were the first to arrive in DC, of TP. we then saw illusions of the VHS gang, they should've come in the flesh, we did. but i'm sure that they had an explanation.
Roxy, Dave and Samantha's story: i'm Sammy and i'm a tecnopath with a dangerous curiosity, Dave, Roxy and i went to texas to see what we could find, of course, we got morte than we bargained for. when we were off the plane a boy of about 15 came up to us. he was wearing gloes over his hands despite that its was a warm day. he took them off to reveal heat hands, you know that guy from X-men with the sunglass's? hes like that. he burned my wrist, i couldn't draw attention so i silently screamed. he ran off leaving a peice of paper half burned. it had the dead bodies of TP and VHS on the ground, Dave hated the site and insisted that we go and save them. it would be to dangerous to take a plane, they can track them. so we ran out and got a motorbike, it was abnormally fast and i dont think it even needed petrol! i technopathed it to go faster whle Dave rode in the side car getting guns ready. we made it there.
Stan, Talkie and Chelsea's story: we were in Chicago, i loved the movie so why not? as we walked down the streets looking to look for a man on our list, we realised that he was a notorious burglar, he had replication! we rushed to one of clones (who was robbing an old lady) we stopped him, but 2 other clones came and got us, each one had bronze eyes. they led us through an airport and on to a private jet, we were drugged on our way to DC, but as soon as we were off we ran out. we nicked a car and drove off, but we didn't realise that they would chase us! we manuevered through bunches of cars when we finally made it, Stan is a very good driver! the brakes gave way and we leaped out of the car and ran further, then we saw the others!
Omni, Tayla and Geoffs story: we were on the plane to Las Vegas, i was in favor of a road trip but Omni and Tayla were not. as Omni drew and Tayla was learning YET ANOTHER new language, i was reading the Red Hulk, i was just round page 4 when it happened, we lost a side of the plane, Tayla and omni knew this was coming and were about to tell me when it happened, we held on, i held onto the seatbelt, Omni and Tayla somehow got into the over head compartment. i looked outside, there was a floating girl with a laser power. the lane started to lose altitude but then we felt ourselves being boosted up, the flying girl had super strength too! but we were off course, we were heading to DC, she was flying us over it when we all lost grip, we flew out and into a group of people, TP! we yelledout to them as Chelsea slowed us down and we landed on our feet, we then saw Cleo and we all walkedover to her.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cleo's return
"i got all my powers back!" she exclaimed in joy.Omni rushed over holding a drawing of when she rushed in.
"yeah! i know!" she said. "but how's that supposed to help us stop this?"
"no idea! but i have to wait for the right time, cos i have to re-manifest them"
"we could all go our seperate ways for a while" Stan suggested, completly ignoring Cleo's comment, but he instantly regreted saying that because he didn't want to leave.
"its not everyday that i meet someone as beautiful as you!" i said to her, she must have already re-manifested Telepathy.
"i wouldn't go out with you if you the last guy on earth, and i dont have telepthy yet, i'm just really good at knowing" she answered. it was at this time when someone who looked similar to Cleo appeared. Cleo dragged her into another room, i dont know what they were saying, since the camera's dont have sound.
we agreed that we should all just stay away from DC. Cleo left for NYC, she left urgently and didn't bother to say goodbye.
tomorrow everyone in TP are going on a mission except me, each one is going to go to different parts of the country in search of EH's, more on that tomorrow.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Howard: Back!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Future Is Looking Bright.
We'd been trying to call Cleo for some time now, her phone is never reachable anymore, i dont know whats going on but when i did get hold of her she told me that if i ever saw a chubby boy with Pyrokinesis, that i should call her and hand him over to her, so she can take his power. we never even got to tell her about the explosion, but something told me that she already knew. i drew a picture depicting the group stabding in front of something bright, it was the only light in the room, because of the lighting and my drawing i cant tell exactly who's there, i dont yet know what the cause of the explosion is. anyway there were 2 cleo's, one was standing there watching it unfold, while the other was crouching and making a 'shoosh' signal to one of the group. it was Shifter who recognised the room, it was from B26. she knew that the whole operation was closed down but she turned into a bird and flew off, i think she flew out as a Sparrow but high above she turned into an Albatros.
she returned bloody and wasn't breathing, Dave couldn't heal her, he cant bring people back from the dead. she was headed toward the window as a Sparrow but when she turned into a human she died, i guess it was to much energy. We'll never know what happened over there, i hoped that since Cleo is in DC she may have seen something, but once again she was unreachable, i painted something else, the future. it was of Cleo talking to someone on a phone after an explosion, (there was paices of debris flying through the air, and smoke and fire and bright lights).
i sent Charlie and Ali over to see her in DC, i hav'nt heard back from them yet. although they may not be there yet, Charlie said that he might make a stop off at the VHS store.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Painting the Future
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009
another founder gone, then she came back
"well. Cleo doesn't like life without a mystery, so whenever she thinks there are no surprises in somethin anymore, she abandons it." she answered.
"Huh," i said. i began to think, not just about how Cleo see's the world but also about how boring my life is, i'm failing to see what this company does. Omni walked in with a bunch of drawings, each one depicted Cleo. there was one where she was running, and another where she was hugging someone, then in the next one blue light was being taken from her and was transfering into whoever she was hugging. the second to last one was of her shooting someone with flames, the last one was of her and an old man, she was killing him, for some unknown reason. i went to lunch with Stan, as we talked about TP, i remembered that i needed to go to the bank, Stan tagged along.
i was just getting some money from inside (the ATM was busted) when a man came in. he was holding a gun and was telling everyone to get on the ground. i refused this and shot some electricity at him, he used a forcefield to stop it, he then shot me in the arm. then suddenly Cleo ran in! she saw him and must have recognised him or just knew that he had a power. she ran up and phased through his FF, she bombarded him with flames, and took his power. Cleo grabbed us and sped us back to TP.
"hey guys" she said, then she sped off again. we may not have had much to do around here but i know what i should do! be a hero, and Stan can help. Dave healed me, btw. West left again, he mentioned something about a guy called Alex and that he didn't know when he'd be back.
the next post will most likely be from Chelsea.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
- Maddies power was to be a human in ghost form, so maybe she has a secondary power that allows her ghost form to be human, she cant control this better because thats her power. she cant control her power. now, she's just normal.
- but i'm still wondering how this was possible, maybe it was a power that cant be taken. only copied? the fact that her body is buried at Coyote Sands, but maybe the after life is completly different for her, in life shes a ghost but in death shes human?
- her power didn't disapear when she died, so that might have had something to do with it.
this is like a whole new mythology, Tayla has no idea, Omni only saw things how Maddie saw it, (nothing had changed, no light no nothing) and i cant rewind everything to see if i missed something. this is very perculiar.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Today Omni had a dream, it was of the past. when Linda was around 17, she was about to kill a guy with healing, it was healing like Daves except much stronger. he killed her, then burned her she came out from behind a tree and disapeared. i'm not sure how this fits into the story, only that another dream came after that: Her parents are worried that she's become too power hungry, but she doesn't care. she likes to make people scared. she sneaks out one night and takes the power of mediumship from someone with the last name of Walker.
again we're not sure what this has to do with now.
Elle and Stan went on a mission to a store, the owner had the power of persuasion, something that we knew could help people, tomorrow we're going to send him to DC to help the others, besides that nothing has happened the last few days.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Problem solved
Chan ordered Charlie to take him to DC to meet with Cleo. he had been acting weird, but we all thought that it was just the pressure of owning a business, we didn't even look at his eyes! he was being cntrolled by a command that we thought had been destroyed. Cleo had killed him, it seems that she killed him for the greater good. I've noticed that Cleo hasn't been acting alot like a villain lately, i think she's become... Morally grey.
Viv has come back with Maddie, we dont know who to help Viv but i think that Cleo or Linda can. so we called up Cleo, she had just gotten back to the hotel after a brief encounter with Death. she appeared (strangley enough) instantaneously! i guess she's starting to go faster. she didn't have power transfer (i wanted a power that could make me a better agent, and this one would help solve cases), so she summoned Linda. It was gone in no time at all. Viv could no longer see Maddie, but i could.
"i just want her gone!" Viv yelled. so Cleo (being the genius she isnt) had the medium power tranferred to her, she began resurecting Maddie. then When Maddie was alive but still in ghost form, she took her power. the powerof mediuship was transferred back to Viv and the twins went home. i missed out on a power! well thats what happened today. Cleo and Linda went back to DC and now i'm writing this. Omni actually had the idea for all that so: nice job Omni.
till next time, this is Tayla!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Stan says: Elle, Charlie, Ali, Cleo, Linda and Damian (who had arrived 2-3 hours before we left) were all in the library, we were looking through the archives of a few people that Linda had mentioned. Linda keeps alot of secrets, she never tells the full story. she is always holding back. i could see that both Cleo and Damian had attempted to read her mind to no avail. i had just pulled a file that seemed like something a Tavara was capable of: "Snow falls in Miami". does it snow in Miami? i wondered. Linda had read my mind and said to me: "that headliine could've read: 'Tsunami wipes out eastern seaboard'" i asked how she knew that, she didn't answer me, she just kept looking. Damian walked over and asked if i'd found anything, i told him yes, and told him about what Linda had said. he tried to read her mind but was unsuccessful.
"Hey what happens if theres a box that doesn't have anything in it?" asked Ali.
"why would there be a box that didn't have anything in it?" Charlie asked.
"the file got lost?" suggested Charlie.
"To keep a secret" Elle answered. Cleo walked over:
"what secret?" she asked, 'it beats me' i thought.
then all of a sudden someone walked through the door, and it didn't look like anything good was gonna come of it-
Charlie Says: Death had walked through the door. we all recognised his black clothing he blurred everyone in the libraries sight, i could here them gasping at the blurs that had replaced the words they were reading. we didn't want to draw attention to ourselves by using powers or guns on him. of course Linda decided that firing some black electricity at him was fine, too bad she couldn't see him. it hit the guy next to him. he advanced on us, i couldn't move my hands and it looked like the others couldn't use powers or hands, basically they couldn't move. Death advanced on us, i looked up the security camara, knowing full well that Danko and Co would be there soon. Cleo told us just before we all left that she was able to overcome his 'power overide' and use TK, she insists that it was easy but it seemed pretty hard to me. anyways: she was able to get him to the ground with TK, he was being held on the ground. our sight returned and we were all on our feet, but he had disapeared by the time we had gotten up. Damian tried to flollow the portal but he couldn't.
Elle says: then the government comes roaring in! guns at the ready, i was able to knock a few out, and Damian managed to bury a few in books, the people who were in the library had all ran out after the governemnt came in, so they didn't see our powers. Cleo had used Chans power to perform a few flips that lead to the government being kicked around! when they fired their guns she TKed the bullets at them, they were goners the minute they started to mess with Cleo. Charlie flew at them at top speed, he threw them out of the windows, and Stan and Ali used a few of Ali's gadgets to fend them off until Cleo or whoever else came to get rid of them. Linda TKed shards of glass through the remaining enemies heads.
Ali Says: after we had all taken out the government, it was time for Stan, Elle, Charlie and I to go back to TP. Linda sent us back, just before we left we saw Tempest, Tingle and Healthbar approaching, we all waved to them and then the next thing we knew we was back at TP.
Chelsea here! Shifter got back, and it seems that she is about to take on a client that no-one else wants: Viv and the ghost that seems to be following her around, Maddie! she was back, and more annoying than ever! more on that later. west is on the road, or on the skies. he got a text ftom Rebel, i don't know what it said but he flew off. not sure where he went, but i think it was important. just a bit of info from us, is all. useless but it might come in handy in some way.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Gone... Again
Tayla and i have been doing some research on Coyote Sands, we've only found one newspaper clipping from the sixties about how it was suddenly getting alot of visitors, nothing interesting.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What is that place?
Viv had left with tears in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, i froze her moleculer structure to the point that she came to a stop, i walked over and gave her a tissue. then restarted her. i walked into the storage shed, where Cleo was speaking to Linda, i could here what they were saying, Linda and her were in a private convo, like they were going out of their way to make sure that no-one knew what they were talking about, i doubt Cleo even mentioned it on her blog. Cleo needed a new body dumping ground (it sounds so cold when she says it like that). Linda suggested a place called Coyote Sands, Cleo (who had clearly heard of this place before) said a very big NO, which she followed up with: 'for the last time!'.
it seemed odd for Viv to leave her sisters body with our company, but to her i dont think its the end, she can see ghosts and her sister is dead, so logically her sister could be out there somewhere.
Cleo walked out and sped away, Geoff and Dave walked in with a body bag. i wondered why Cleo didn't resurect Maddie, but it dawned on me that it wouldn't change anything for Viv or Maddie. Geoff and Dave (Dave was very sad, he hates it when there are people that he cant save), handed Maddie's body to Linda. as they turned around she smiled and muttered something: "Coyote Sands. I'm coming home." Its better not to ask about these things, so my best bet was to just do some research, i'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
phase 1 complete
when the 2 of them didn't show up, West and i went to investigate:
a basic day in the life of a ghost and the only person who can see her are both amusing (when you hear about it) and annoying! we also had to ask them to help us, which we knew from the start was not gonna be easy. West and i flew through Viv's window, she was talking to Maddie.
"why didn't you show up?" West asked.
"you cant help us! no-one can! we give up!"
"we're close! we are! i think that we can help you, but only if you do something for us" i said. i explained the plan about Death (convenianlty leaving out the part about Maddies death). they agreed, they would've agreed to anything. then Maddie took over, turns out she doesn't sgree.
"i walk around and i get into people minds! i have seen things that have sparked their memories! your company is not a good one! i'll take my chances at being dead!"
"you wont, i know you wont" West said convincingly, how does he do that! he is a good guy, i wonder why Cleo and the others get him to drop bodies in rivers.
"i wont do it!!!!!!!" she was serious. she left Viv's body and smashed all the glass and mirrors in the room.
"thats seven years bad luck!" Viv screamed at her. this girl has alot of potential, maybe we can strike up another deal:
"if you dont help us we wont help you. we might not be able to take your power, but we can teach you to control it. think of how much you can annoy Viv" that won her over. she'll be in tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Ghostly. part 2
"dont worry about him" Roxy said, yeah the girl can talk.
Maddie had taken over Viv's body, and was trying her best to figure out a way get back her body.
"the creep gave me a body but i can only keep it for a tiny portion at a time, so i figured whats the point?" she was talking non-stop, this girl is so annoying! i told West to go and drop the body in the river, the kid is brave! he's against killing but he still helps get rid of the evidence!
"lets get down to business" Elle said, in a voice that seemed to say: 'i'll kill you if you dont shut up'
"what ever Electra, hey white-eyed girl have you recovered from Electra's blast yet?" we both lunged at her, but Chan stopped us, i realised that we would only be hurting Viv.
Maddie left Viv's body.
"this is going nowhere!" Ali said. She had recovered from the humiliation that Maddie had caused her, she and Charlie are now going out.
"i never would've known that if you hadn't told me!" Maddie was now in Elle's body, she was playing with the electricty that was flowing through her hands.
"i like this power" Chan knocked Elle out, knocking Maddie out of her body.
Maddie was now not in a body, Viv said that she was gone.
"i hate my sister!" she was really annoyed.
"join the club" Tayla chimed.
"if you think she's bad now, when she 'alive' she was way worse!"
"i heard that!" Roxy was now being controlled. i couldn't stand it! i suddenly had a vision: It was of a someone who was coming out of her invisible phase, then dropping to the ground dead.
i could tell that this was about Maddie.
"i had a vision" i whispered to Precog.
"so did i, it was about Maddie" he answered.
"mine too".
The mirror next to us began to crack, it smashed.
"i didn't know i could do that!" Viv (who was Maddie) said.
we hated this girl, but we were all intent on helping her.
Diffy walked in, he wanted to have fun, and begun to turn the room pink, then green.
"cool!" Viv exclaimed. Maddie jumped out and jumped into Diffy's body. we could coax her out using Playwrites power. but not before she had made the whole room look like an amusement park.
"Thats all for today!" Chelsea had walked in telling us that i had another appointment.
which meant that it was Viv and Maddies time to go.
At that, Cleo, Tempest and Linda turned up. they needed Maddie and Viv, they had another appointment the next day. so they'd see them then, not now. they filled me in, and i agreed on the plan, but i had to tell them about the vision.
"we wont let that happen" Linda answered, they nodded.
See yaz!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Ghostly. part 1
Though i work behind the desk of a place that barely looks like a business, i can tell you whats been going on. everyone always forgets what the secretaries and receptionists hear and know.
A girl of about 14 walked in, she apparently had an appointment under the name of: Vivian Lewis (yeah weird name, i know), from what i could see she was completly scared outta her brians!!! heres what Chan (who was not happy about the party the employees had) says:
if you saw this girl you'd think she'd seen a ghost! To our surprise, she did!
"my sister went missing, and now i see her everywhere!" she was going postal, "OMG!!! she's behind you!" i turned around, no-one was there, was she crazy?
"i'm not crazy" she said, almost as if she could read minds.
"if she's standing behind me, then what fingers am i holding up?" I had no idea what was going on, but i tried to understand.
"2! 7! 4!" she answered each one correctly and instantly.
"rock or scissors?"
"paper!" she was telling the truth, Omni came to the conclusion that she was a medium.
"She's not dead though!" Viv, said.
"she might have invisibility and cant control it?" suggested Tayla. we were all brain-storming, about this.
"no, cos the big heat goggles didn't show anything" Ali said.
"what if she's really a ghost? and the sister is the only one who can see her?" Omni suggested.
"thats a logical answer, i'll ask Cleo" Elle picked up her phone, "its turned off, i'll try Shifters"
While Elle talked to Shifter about this, i asked Viv more:
"when did she go missing?" i asked her.
"2 weeks ago" she answered, "there were no leads" Then i thought of it!!!!
her sister wasn't dead! her power is to be a ghost! the sister (Maddie) has the power to be a ghost! but unfortunatly her power was like The Things power from the fantastic 4, she cant turn it off.
"i couldn't get to Cleo, apparently they have a big situation over there" Elle came back after a few attempts at getting Shifter back on the phone. she failed.
"i figured it out" i told them what was going on.
"ok i have been going on with this long enough! whats going on here?!" Viv, had no idea what we could do, we hadn't gotten that far. we all explained.
Viv, was taken over by her sister: "thats a good theory, but how the hell does it help me get outta this? i have a test tomorrow! and also: i have been walkng around here, did you know that that girl Ali is madly in love with Chuck here?" she motioned to Charlie, Ali blushed and ran outta the room.
"you should shut up now!" i tried to shut her up but i just ended up seeming pretty weird to Viv, when Maddie left her body.
"idiots!" Omni muttered.
"Maddie!" i cried.
'Omni' clapped sarcastically: "bravo! i cannot believe that you people cant even catch a ghost that isn't dead!"
Elle had no idea what to do so she just knocked Omni out with some electricity.
"nice job Electra" Viv said. but it was Maddie.
then we all eased up when Viv said that Maddie was gone.
This was not gonna be easy.
Well thats all for today! i was kinda amused by this, but i'm sure we'll catch her. Eventually.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ok i'm good.
Cleo appointed me Geoffs new partner (since the other one died), i wanted to know what my first official mission was, but she didn't have any for me! i didn't mind though, it gave me time to clean up my desk, the new secretary (Chelsea Landers, she controls moleculer pace) had arrived, she was on our list of people who could be good agents, but like me, if she hangs around long enough someone might die and then she can take their position!
Cleo, Tempest, and Shifter left for Miami to make sure that no harm comes near Damian, Cleo probably went because she knew that if people knew about what Damian could do, then it was only a matter of time before they knew about all of us.
Shifter left her new cat (Snowy) in my hands, her reason was that i was the only one who she trusted. But what she really meant to say was: 'you wont forget to feed her'.
Cleo has made sure (yet again) that the receptionist was trustworthy.
Tempest, said goodbye to his team. They left. which is why this post is called: "FREEDOM!!!!!!!!"
Omni wasn't 'all there' today, she was trying to perfect her precognitive drawings, Chan was at home feeling 'sick'. he was really practising his martial arts. So basically we didn't have any of the founders ordering us around, heres a few responses:
Elle: *dances*, i love freedom!!!!! i went to the all night comic store (cos' Geoff was too drunk to go pick up his weekly dose of The Red Hulk himself), i walked in and got his precious comic, then as i was walking out i saw that the clerk was staring me funny, i asked him: "whats up?"
"you're a girl!" he said, he was staring at me like i was'nt for real.
"you're very observant"
"do you wanna go out?" he blurted.
i knocked him out so i could save him the pain, when i got back the party raged on. Hey! we have superpowers! we can get cleaned up by 9 in the morning! I was so happy that i started to sing into one of the microphones that Broadcast had, i sang a song called Freedom. I made it up.
Stan: I missed Cleo instantaneously, since she was the only person who linked me to this company (she literally dragged me to it,) i suddenly saw everyone as strangers. My thoughts wondered to when i met Cleo while i was drinking some bubbley. i was eating a burgr when her beauty walked past, i know now that it was an illusion for sure, but back then i felt like she was too good to be true, she was extraordinary. I caught up to her and introduced myself, she introduced herself as Veronica. i cant remember what happened after that.
My attention went back to reality, the basement had everyone dancing to Elle's song Freedom, she just made it up as she went along but it was a great song! Omni in the shed with Precog, both were drawing the future. after all the seriousness and uncertainty thats been in our lives it was good to just party. if Cleo were here she would've joined in, but Cleo also would've told Omni, Chan and Shifter, she would've tried to get them to join in, rather than try and stop us.
Geof; coult beliv it@ we finlee had a nite werhe we dint hav roo work, i red the Read Hulkk tonight, i coldnt belie tha Brad Pitt and Andelinaaa jelie cameod!!!!
I mite b da booze takin, but Cleeee0, the ara abrosber is so funny# but sooooo funee! but supper mart! her sista Ail is dum as them dudes from dum and duimre, mayb sfdummer!
this is dee bes paray eva! if we was payed 2 work lik dis, evry 1 wood wanna wrk here! they wouldn evan mime abot th pebbles runnin the joint! ova and zoombinie baby!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Deadly Man Walking
Cleo sent Jay, Geoff, Elle and Stan on a mission to find "Death" a man who can hurt anyone in anyway he wants. Linda Tavara (Cleo's Granny, who has the same power and reversed her age so she's not much older than us) went with them because of how dangerous Death was. I had almost finished reading my cousin Charlies japanese phrase book when Geoff, Elle, Stan and Linda came through the door, they were bloodied up and i instantly ran to the storage shed to get Dave. he and i were back in a flash, and he was able to help. They told us what happened (see villains view blog) now i'm terrified of this guy who can kill you 1000 different ways, and the worst thing was that he would choose the most slow and painful way.
Here's Stans recap:
We had just gotten to the garage that i keep my car in when everything became blurry. i hit the ground with a thud. We all woke up in an old warehouse in the middle of a desert, each of us were in a state of paralyisis, but we felt alot of pain because he had already injured each of us badly, i bet that we wouldn't dare move even if we could. Death was sitting with his back to us, his fingers were tapping on the desk, he had (from what i could see) long finger nails, his head was bold and his ears were rather big and sharp, Like Nosforatu. He turned and each of our sights blurred, he dragged Jay into the middle of the room and begun to torture him. Snapping his arms in several places, snapping his legs and slowly cutting his arms. he simply stood there, he didn't need to move an inch to kill someone. Linda made it out of his lock and started to take his aura, but he used his power to twist her arm around until it snapped, he kept on twisting it. He laughed. i could hear the bones crunching. She stood down and he made her unable to move once again. He had begun to advance on Geoff, he was saying: "you are gonna wish that you were killed first"
Elle's hand was in the perfect position to shot him with electricity, and she did just that. he was knocked out and then we ran, we stole a car from an old guy and drove back to LA (from the Nevada desert!!!!!). We parked in front of HQ and ran in. Linda made the car disappear and was right behind us.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
So anyways we've just come into 2 new people! the specials name is Jay Fletcher, he has a power that can combat that John guy really well! Persuasion! he's very good at it, i think he can help Tempest and Damian. the normal person is a pretty nice guy, but isn't much fun because hes a bit bashful. He can however be fairly good at talking his way out of things, he and Jay are a perfect match! His name is Geoff Campbell.
Sage's body was sucked into that big black hole that Lily-Anne made, that or it was burned up by Cleo's flamethrower (it was so weird typing that!) we lost alot of stuff that we stored down there because of the flames and the black hole, but i was thankful that Cleo survived. She might be a bit menacing and mean sometimes but i bet that if this were a world without super-powers she'd be a good friend to have.
We close at 5:00pm so we have quiet nights to watch tv. or should be that THEY do. i have to stay and sort out everything, maybe one day when i'm an agent... ANYWAY:
Chan sent Jay and Geoff on a mission to find a kid called Luke Campbell, he is Geoff's cousin, he has the power to emit microwaves of heat. We didn't want him to work for us because Geoff says that he can be a "problem". We wanted to see if they could catch him, then they would just figure out if he should be in society or not, if not they take him to Cleo and she takes away his power. (i can only imagine the types of powers Cleo would get if we found enough specials with dangerous powers.)
This is Geoff! my first mission! and i'm going to be telling you what happened:
Omni had a dream that Luke would be driving around the highway nearest to us, how he got there we have no idea. I took a page from what Cleo has written on her blog and what she and chan (who i imagine thinks of himself as Jackie Chans equal) told us during "orientation" as they call it. i tried out a few things i saw on an action movie. not sure which one though. he was driving a car that he probably stole (i know my cousin) i could see him pull over on to the side of the road testing out how far he could make his heat go. he stepped out of the car and started to try and boil a large puddle of water on the ground it was burning the rails on the side of the road, they melted into hot silver lava. it was only a small "action movie" style sneak attack, but trust me it became a throw out soon enough. i grabbed him and tackled him to the ground, he wanted to use his heat powers (thats Luke for ya) but Jay had persuaded him not to. he kicked me off and jumped in the car and started it, (the kid kicks hard i was a bit dizzy for a moment) just as it was pulling away i jumped in th back of the car. Jay had gotten Luke to put the brakes on, but Luke used his microwaves to torture Jay into letting him keep driving, i punched his lights out a bit too late though! (i couldn't get the right angle for punching him out) Luke had already started to drive and i couldn't get over his un-conscious body to the put the brakes on. we were out on the open road now and Jay was running behind us, i un-did Lukes seatbelt and opened the door, he dropped out of the car and i followed, he survived and ran off before Jay could yell his command. The car crashed into a tree. I had hurt my ankle when i jumped out and couldn't chase him, Luke dissapeared into the crowd of cars and people. Jay and i called Cleo to see if she could summon us back, but she wasn't in. We had to walk back since Tayla said that she "forgot" West and Charlies numbers, (i think she was just being mean to us!) When we got back Dave healed Jay's burns and my ankle. we failed the mission and since we were walking for hours we were around to greet a rather unhappy Cleo when she got back, i plan to ask her where she was once she stops using TK to keep my mouth closed.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
- When Elle couldn't find a partner Cleo just gave her Stan and went back to doing nothing in her office, thats why Stan and Elle are partners.
- Charlie and Ali, those 2 are a good pair. There are no arguments that i know of
- West and Roxy. The new one that i dont know alot about is Roxanna Ellis, she seems nice and West likes her better than Elle. to be honest sometimes Elle can be a bit... Off centre.
- We are still looking for people to be agents, having only 3 teams is'nt good for us.
- Chan no longer has powers because of Cleo, she had a reason for it: "you can still use all the moves you had, you've got so many there was no need for a power anymore" it was rude that she took his power, but thats Cleo i guess.
- Sage LOVES his new EM, but i think Cleo is jealous. She felt so sorry for him because of his power. I think she just never thought of the effect it would have. shes not as powerful as him anymore! i can tell that one day she'll just challenge him to a fight.
- Our new Medic is called Dave, its kinda sad. the guy is 32 and is for a bunch of people that ar'nt even 26. His codename is Medico, since he's from Mexico.
Well thats all from me, heres Charlie:
Ali and i were sent to Odessa, Ukraine. She and i cant speak Ukrainian, but we just had to go to the textile factory to get some old files of EHs. it was closed down so we just went through a broken window. the files were kept in the basements, Ali is pretty dumb, and both she and i know that. she couldn't figure out why the tv wont work. it wasnt plugged in. i grabbed as many files that i could carry, while Ali grabbed 2 for each hand. i have the feeling that Cleo only gave Ali the job of being an agent because she was her sister, well kinda. we flew out the windo, sometimes i wonder if people see us do that, like in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, with the flying car. we got back to find that nuthin had changed, except Amelia and her possie were dead and Chan had lost his power. Cleo told West and I to get rid of the bodies of Shifterx (i thought she already died! but Mia can bring her back, with healing, Relity Warping or resurection)and Phaser in a river.
Thats all from me. CYaz!